Xpar Vision

Xpar Vision



Hot End infrared camera solution for hot end process monitoring and quality control

Immediately after the forming of the glass product the IR-D detects the intensity of infrared radiation emitted by the hot containers. The measured intensity is translated into essential information about the status of the glass forming process and makes accurate defect inspection possible,...

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Hot End sensor solution for monitoring and controlling of gob loading and temperature

The GobAssist unit observes the gob trajectory after the gob exiting the deflector until it enters into the blank mould. With two high speed camera gob speed, length, time-of-arrival, loading position and gob shape are measured. Moving the camera unit continuously from section to section these...

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Automatic blank side swabbing and more

Ultra-low frequency swabbing results in minimized impact to the forming process, to less lubricant consumption, less pollution and increased health and safety. The concept is based on the exclusive partnership between XPAR Vision and LubriGlass GmbH. This innovative solution is suitable for all...

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Hot End solution for automated weight control of individual gobs

At the Hot End XPAR Vision’s IR-D system detects the intensity of infrared radiation emitted by each single hot glass product. The IGC system relates this measurement to the weight of the corresponding gob. Any deviations in gob weight are automatically compensated by the IGC in adjusting the...

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Hot End gob inspection, gob forming process monitoring and automatic gob weight control

Immediately after the gob cut XPAR Vision’s GobMonitor, a dual camera unit, takes a 3D image of the individual gobs. Through the smart application of multi view vision a high level of measurement accuracy is achieved. The 3D images of all gobs are processed in real time and the image analysis...

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Because we are result driven, we have a strong focus on the implementation of our hot end technology in the daily operation of our customers. Based on our...

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In order to ensure that our customers obtain the greatest benefit from of our technology, we offer training and support.

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In order to ensure that our customers obtain the greatest benefit from of our technology, we offer training and support.

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Paul Schreuders